may 31 2006:
added archive menu to comic page
fixed some formatting issues
June 2 2006:
tested website on opera, netscape, internet explorer, and firefox
fixed alignment of archive menu
July 18 2006:
added ohnorobot transcription button and search button
changed geovisitors, getfirefox and webcomiclist to open in new pages
July 19 2006:
Tried to fix search box formatting issues to no avail, oh well
fixed some other formatting issues though (took away a
from above the transcribe button and put one below)
September 6 2006:
OK well comicgenesis has decided that we are popular enough to be cared about so they are trying to screw with us. This means lots fo work for me, GRRRRRRR
Anyway fixed placement of adds to make admins happy
January 4 2007:
my first change of the new year was to put the transcribe this comic like up at the top of the page, more in people's faces
August 12th 2007:
so i haven't been updating for a while and am now on the train back to portland.
Today beings the hopefully not that long process of redesigning my comic and implimenting the CSS i have recently learned, today Lif3 4.0 is born, kinda.
August 17th 2007:
the remodeling is coming along well, already the site is almost all css-ized now i get to make it look new and cool, hopefully.
so i've updated the first, prev, next and last buttons
i also changed the site menu colors, and its position.
well i am very pleased with how the site looks, it is now 20 min to 3 in the morning and i am going to bed.
August 18th 2007:
things left to do: figure out how to rotate title images, make cool title images, break it up into chucks for auto keep, begin the process of making the old stuff compatible, finish redesigning the other pages, finish mellow_monkey and its various parts.
August 19th 2007:
made some very coll title images, 4 of them.
OO lots of problems with the change more than i expected. Well most of them are fixed now, just a few left.
August 20th 2007:
almost all fixed
April 27th 2008:
ya its been a bit since i did anything with the site. though i have fixed a few things since i last updated the site history, i fixed all the issues i was having with some of the old archive pages (turns out the ones that wouldn't display right had a txt file and an html file version of the rant uploaded which was messing everything up. took me long enough to find that one) but now teh title images aren't working, oh well
also production has begun on lif3 5.0 (i don't know why i use the decimal places, its not like i release any versions between the whole number ones)